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Teaching techniques

Many students struggle with certain subjects because they lack interest in and passion for them. As a teacher, you have the responsibility to inspire and motivate your students to enjoy and excel in your subject. Here are some tips on how to do that: Reward Your Students for Their Efforts One of the easiest ways to make your students like your subject is to acknowledge and appreciate their efforts. You can do this by giving them positive feedback, praise, recognition, or incentives. However, be careful not to overdo it or give rewards that are unrelated to academics. You want your students to learn for the sake of learning, not for the sake of getting something. Start with What They Know Another way to make your students like your...
Do you struggle with keeping your students’ attention in class? Do you feel like you have to improvise everything without a clear plan? If so, you are not alone. Many teachers face the same challenges. But don’t worry; there are some simple and effective strategies that can help you captivate your students and make them eager to learn. In this article, we will share with you some of these strategies, such as: Smile and greet your students. This is the first thing you should do when you enter the classroom. A smile and a greeting can make a big difference in how your students feel and behave. When you smile and greet your students, you: Create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the class. Show that you care about your students and...
Science subjects are not only about learning facts and theories from books. They also require students to do practical experiments and activities that help them understand and apply the scientific concepts. In fact, the UNEB examinations have a practical paper for each of the science subjects except math. Therefore, it is important for every school to have well-equipped science and computer laboratories where teachers can conduct practical lessons. Here are some of the benefits of practical lessons for science students: Enhance comprehension: Some students may find it hard to grasp the stuff that is taught in class due to various reasons, such as different learning styles, a lack of interest, or poor teaching methods. Practical...
This article offers some tips for teachers who want to improve their students’ reading comprehension skills. Reading comprehension is the ability to read and understand texts, which is essential for students’ learning and academic success. However, some students may face difficulties in reading comprehension due to various factors, such as: Limited vocabulary Inappropriate or irrelevant texts Poor reading habits Low concentration or motivation Prejudice or bias To address these challenges, teachers can use the following tips to help their students read and understand better: Build their vocabulary. Some possible ways that teachers can enhance their students' vocabulary are: Providing context clues and examples to infer the...
Some suggestions for teachers who want to improve the learning process for their students Learning is not only influenced by internal factors but also by external factors, such as the teacher’s role. The article recommends the following strategies for teachers to enhance student learning: Plan your lessons well. Teachers should have a clear and detailed plan for each lesson, covering the objectives, activities, materials, and assessments. A well-planned lesson can help students learn more effectively and smoothly. Group your students wisely: Teachers should group their students according to different criteria, such as academic level, interest, or personality. Grouping students can help them learn from each other, share different...
This article discusses the advantages of using heterogeneous grouping in school, where students of different academic levels are put together. Heterogeneous grouping is a common practise in secondary schools, especially for subjects like math and literature. The article argues that heterogeneous grouping can help students learn better and develop various skills and values. The article lists the following benefits of heterogeneous grouping: Peer tutoring Heterogeneous grouping allows students who are good at certain topics to help their classmates who are struggling with them. This can make learning easier and faster for weaker students. It can also motivate the stronger students to share their knowledge and improve their communication...
This article offers some advice for teachers who want to assess their students’ learning and performance. Evaluation is a vital part of teaching, as it helps teachers identify the strengths and weaknesses of their students and provide feedback and guidance. However, evaluation can also be challenging and complex, as it requires careful planning and execution. The article suggests the following tips for teachers on how to evaluate their students effectively: Evaluate what you teach. Teachers should only evaluate their students on the topics that they have covered in their lessons. Evaluating students on unfamiliar topics can discourage and demotivate them. Teachers should also make sure that they have taught the topics well and clearly...
Questions are powerful tools that teachers can use to enhance their students’ learning. Questions can help teachers achieve various objectives, such as: Increasing attention and motivation When teachers ask random questions to random students, they make them more alert and eager to learn. Students do not want to miss important information or be embarrassed by not knowing the answer. Promoting critical thinking When teachers ask challenging questions that require students to apply what they have learned, they stimulate their cognitive skills and creativity. Teachers should give some hints to guide students, but not ask questions that are too difficult or irrelevant. Assessing learning outcomes When teachers ask questions...

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