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National Curriculum and Development Center Resource
Lower Secondary Curriculum
PHYSICS Syllabus

The thrust of the new syllabuses is experiential and towards deeper understanding. The focus in physics is on the development of understanding through experimentation, scientific inquiry, and rational thought.

The new curricula give students a lot of different ways to develop this kind of understanding. These contexts are designed to engage the interest and provide opportunities to build life-related knowledge, experience, and skills. Teachers are told to go beyond what's in the books and give as many real-world examples as they can. The general skills have been built into the whole curriculum, and the only way to learn them is through active methods.

The role of the teacher is to build on learners’ existing knowledge and experience, and to extend that by posing problems to them. This makes them think about their own ideas and experiences, as well as add new knowledge and skills to it. Learners need to interact with real situations inside and outside the classroom. They need to look at pictures or diagrams, examine statistics, or read texts from a range of sources. They need to find out knowledge and ideas for themselves. They should then be expected to express these in their own words, not those of the teacher, and so demonstrate that they have understood what they have learned.
In this approach, learners are encouraged to:
• be responsible for their learning.
• think for themselves and form their own ideas and opinions.
• become critical thinkers, ready to face new challenges and situations for themselves

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