
NCDC S.1 & S.2 Biology

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National Curriculum and Development Center Resource
End of Year Sample

Guidance to Teacher
The end of year assessment consists of both short response items and extended response items. Short Response Items Require learners to construct a response that is concise and focused. It may be factual, interpretive, or a combination of the two. The short response items focus on the learner’s mastery of knowledge, understanding, and skills used to perform a task or solve a problem. The scoring guide for these items should include the criteria/indicators for each score awarded. Extended Response Items are derived from an integration of knowledge, understanding, and skills used to perform a task or solve a problem. The integration can cut across topics and subjects with related concepts. The item must have a context/problem/situation, instruction/expected output, and may include support/stimulus material. The item should focus on tasking the learner to provide a solution to a problem. The scoring guide for these items should include a grid that has relevance, coherence, accuracy, and excellence criteria with their respective indicators

The emphasis of the test items is to promote higher-order thinking skills.

Refer to the teaching syllabus as a guide on what to assess in terms of the skills, knowledge, values, and understanding defined by the intended learning outcomes. Use the LO(s) to develop test items.

The marking guide should clearly describe what a learner must do to meet the set criterion as evidence of achievement of the LO(s).

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