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NCDC S.1 & S.2 Chemistry

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National Curriculum and Development Center Resource
End of Year Sample

Guidance to Teacher
The end-of-year assessment consists of both short response items and extended response items

Short Response Items Require learners to construct a response that is concise and focused. It may be factual, interpretive or a combination of the two. The short response items focus on the learner’s mastery of knowledge, understanding and skills used to perform a task or solve a problem. The scoring guide for these items should include the criteria/indicators for each score awarded.

Extended Response Items are derived from an integration of knowledge, understanding and skills used to perform a task or solve a problem. The integration can cut across topics and subjects with related concepts. The item must have a context/problem/situation, instruction/expected output and may include a support/stimulus material. The item should focus on tasking the learner to provide a solution to a problem. The scoring guide for these items should include a grid that has relevance, coherence, accuracy and excellence criteria with their respective indicators.

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