
NCDC Teachers Resource English P.2

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National Curriculum and Development Center Resource
National Primary School Curriculum for Uganda
Teacher’s Resource Book
Primary Two​

What is a Teacher’s Resource Book? It is a teacher’s bank of suitable and relevant items that can facilitate the teaching-learning process.

This Teacher’s Resource Book (TRB) provides you with a variety of items such as songs, rhymes, games, stories, tongue twisters, lullabies, situational games, riddles, proverbs and poems, which are designed to make the lessons more interesting and participatory. These items are just a sample to help you create similar ones depending on your environment and situation. This will make the teaching/learning process more meaningful.

1. To revitalise the use of songs, rhymes, games, tongue twisters, stories, situational games, proverbs, poems, and riddles.
2. To promote and preserve Uganda’s cultural differences.
3. To help you enrich your method of teaching so as to make the teaching/learning process more interesting and meaningful.

How to use the Teacher’s Resource Book
This TRB should be used in consultation with the Curriculum and the Teacher’s Guide to the curriculum. The Teacher’s Guide under the lesson plan guidelines often refers to the items in the TRB.
You expected to:
i) use the items during the days where they appear.
ii) go through the items before the lesson.
iii) write the item on the board for the class. You should read aloud the item written, then the whole class, in groups and finally by the individual learners.
First release
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