Examine the reasons for the failure of African socialism.
- The reliance on foreign assistance.
- The continued presence of foreign owned companies.
- The prevention of multi-party democracy.
- The evolution into dictatorships.
- The loss of foreign expatriates.
- The limited foreign aid.
- The reliance on a single power; the Soviet Union for technical, financing and military aid. which also had its own problems.
- The failure of ambitious projects.
- The occurrence of coups. For instance, the 1966 coup against Nkrumah in Ghana and 1971 coup organised by Amin against Obote in Uganda.
- The suppression of individual enterprise.
- The occurrence of anti-socialism wars.
- The failure to eliminate inter-ethnic and inter-regional rivalry.
- The widespread corruption and inefficiency.
- The existence of sharp income inequalities.
- The adoption of capitalism.