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The Essential Documents Every Teacher Should Have


Staff member
Being a teacher is not an easy job. You have to deal with a lot of things, from planning lessons to managing students. That’s why you need to have some documents that can help you organise your work and keep track of your progress. In this article, we will introduce some of the essential documents that every teacher should have. These are:

Scheme of work:

This is a document that outlines the structure and content of an academic course. It breaks down the course into manageable units that cover specific topics and objectives. The scheme of work helps you to plan your lessons, align your teaching with the curriculum, and monitor your students’ learning.

Lesson plan:​

This is a document that describes the details of a single lesson. It includes the learning objectives, activities, materials, assessment methods, and time allocation. The lesson plan helps you prepare your teaching, deliver your instruction, and evaluate your students’ performance.

Class profile:​

This is a collection of documents that contain important information about each student in your class. It includes their names, ages, backgrounds, abilities, interests, and needs. The class profile helps you get to know your students better, tailor your teaching to their individual differences, and support their development.

Record of work:​

This is a document that records how much work you have done over a certain period of time. It shows the topics you have covered, the tasks you have assigned, and the feedback you have given. The record of work helps you to review your teaching, report your progress, and plan your next steps.

Record of marks:

This is a document that records the marks or grades that your students have achieved in various assessments. It shows their strengths, weaknesses, and improvement areas. The record of marks helps you measure your students’ learning outcomes, provide them with constructive feedback, and write their recommendations.

Attendance register:​

This is a document that records the attendance or absence of your students in each lesson. It shows their punctuality, participation, and interest in learning. The attendance register helps you gauge your students’ engagement, identify any problems or issues, and communicate with their parents or guardians.


This is a document that shows the schedule of your classes and other school activities. It shows the time, date, location, and duration of each event. The timetable helps you organise your work, manage your time, and coordinate with other teachers or staff.

Record of notes:​

This is a document that records the notes that you give to your students in each lesson. It shows the main points, examples, explanations, and references that you use in your teaching. The record of notes helps you to keep track of what you have taught, reinforce your students’ learning, and avoid repetition or confusion.

Discipline record:​

This is a document that records the behaviour or conduct of your students in and out of class. It shows any incidents, actions, or consequences that involve your students’ discipline or welfare. The discipline record helps you to maintain order and safety in your class, enforce school rules and policies, and deal with any conflicts or complaints.

These documents are not optional but necessary for every teacher who wants to be professional and effective. However, having these documents is not enough; you also need to update them regularly and use them wisely. By doing this, you will be able to improve your work quality and enhance your students’ learning experience.
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