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GROW Method: The Ultimate Study Scheduling Tutorial


Staff member
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed with your study schedule? Do you wish you had a personalized system that adapted to your learning needs? Well, you're in luck! In today's blog post, I'll introduce you to the GROW method, a revolutionary approach to study scheduling that will save you time and give you peace of mind.

Imagine having a personal AI that tracks all your studies, assesses your knowledge level, and schedules review sessions for you. While such technology may not be available yet, the GROW method offers a practical solution to these challenges.

The GROW method, based on Liam Doll's retrospective revision timetable, is designed to create an adaptable review schedule that evolves based on your confidence and understanding of each topic. Let's dive into how it works and how you can implement it to supercharge your study routine.

Understanding the GROW Method​

G Grid Calendar: The first step in implementing the GROW method is to create a grid calendar or table layout. You can use tools like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, or even draw it out by hand. Each grid represents an exam, with topics listed in the left column and review dates recorded on the right. This provides a visual representation of your study plan and progress.

R Rating System: Next, establish a color-coded rating system to assess your confidence level in each topic. For example, you can use a red-yellow-green traffic light system, where red indicates low confidence, yellow moderate, and green high confidence. After reviewing a topic, highlight the corresponding date with the appropriate color to track your progress.

O Overall Outcome: The goal of the GROW method is to ensure that by exam day, all topics are rated green (high confidence) and none remain red (low confidence). This focus on achieving a balanced understanding across all topics minimizes the risk of overstudying easy topics and neglecting challenging ones.

W Weakest Topic: Instead of following a rigid study schedule, prioritize reviewing the weakest topic at any given moment. By consistently addressing areas of low confidence, you ensure steady progress towards mastering all subjects. This adaptive approach eliminates the need for constant schedule adjustments and allows you to focus on what matters most.

Implementing the GROW Method​

Now, let's see how you can practically apply the GROW method using a simple tool like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.

  1. Grid Calendar: Create a grid layout with topics listed on the left and review dates on the right. Duplicate the sheet for each exam to keep your study plan organized.

    Rating System: Use the traffic light system to assess your confidence after reviewing each topic. Highlight the corresponding date with the appropriate color (red, yellow, or green) to track your progress.

    Overall Outcome: Strive to turn all topics green by consistently reviewing areas of low confidence and maintaining a balanced study approach.

    Weakest Topic: Prioritize studying the weakest topic first, based on the color-coded ratings and review dates. This ensures that you're always addressing areas that require the most attention.

Advantages of the GROW Method​

The beauty of the GROW method lies in its simplicity and adaptability. Unlike rigid study schedules, it empowers you to focus on what matters most at any given moment. By continuously assessing your confidence levels and adjusting your study priorities accordingly, you optimize your learning process and maximize retention.


In conclusion, the GROW method offers a practical solution to the challenges of study scheduling. By prioritizing areas of low confidence and maintaining a balanced approach to learning, you can optimize your study routine and achieve better results with less stress. So why wait? Implement the GROW method today and take control of your studies like never before!

Don't forget to grab the GROW method template from the link in the description and stay tuned for a guided tutorial on how to use it effectively. With the GROW method, mastering your studies has never been easier!

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