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How a Board of Governors Can Make or Break a School


Staff member
A board of governors is a group of people who oversee the management and direction of a school. They have various administrative roles that they play for the sake of the continuity and stability of the school. They may or may not interact with the students and teachers directly, but they have a significant impact on the school’s success.

Roles of a Board of Governors:​

Some of the roles that a board of governors performs are:

  • Evaluating School Performance: A board of governors monitors and assesses the academic achievements and challenges of the school. They congratulate the head of the school for outstanding results but also hold them accountable for poor performance. They use facts and data to guide their decisions and strategies for the future of the school.
  • Providing Resources: A board of governors ensures that the school has adequate resources to support its learning activities. These include infrastructure, equipment, materials, staff, and finances. They reinvest the profits from the school into improving its facilities and resources, rather than seeking short-term gains.
  • Maintaining Ethical Standards: A board of governors upholds the integrity and reputation of the school and its staff. They avoid pride and seek advice from others. They also deal with any misconduct or inappropriate behaviour by teachers or students, such as corruption, indiscipline, or abuse. They impose fair and consistent punishments or sanctions for such cases.
  • Appointing and Recruiting Staff: A board of governors appoints teachers to special or extra posts that contribute to the maintenance of order and discipline within the school. They also recruit new talent and hire them as teachers on a permanent basis. They consider factors such as leadership skills, discipline record, and competence when making these decisions.
  • Managing Finances: A board of governors oversees the budget and expenditures of the school. They ensure that the school spends efficiently and effectively, without wasting or misusing funds. They also plan for contingencies and emergencies that may arise.
  • Handling Legal Issues: A board of governors handles any legal issues that may affect the school, such as lawsuits, disputes, or complaints. They try to resolve them amicably and discreetly without damaging the image or reputation of the school. They also seek to protect the rights and interests of the school and its stakeholders.
A board of governors plays a vital role in ensuring the success and sustainability of a school. They make sacrifices and decisions that may not be popular or comfortable but are necessary for the greater good of the school. A school with a board of governors has higher chances of making it big as compared to a sole proprietorship.

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