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How to Make YouTube Tutorials that People Will Watch and Learn From


Staff member
This article gives some advice for people who want to create and share YouTube tutorials on various topics. YouTube tutorials are a popular and effective way of learning and teaching new skills, and they can also help the creators earn money and promote themselves. However, YouTube tutorials also face a lot of competition and challenges, such as attracting and retaining viewers. Therefore, the article suggests the following tips for making YouTube tutorials that people will watch and learn from:

Give a catchy introduction.

The introduction is the first impression that the viewers will have of your tutorial, so you have to make it catchy and interesting. The introduction should:

  • Grab the viewers’ attention with a hook, such as a question, a fact, a joke, or a demonstration
  • Tell the viewers what they will learn and why they should watch your tutorial
  • Keep it short and simple, no longer than 30 seconds

Show your credentials.

The viewers need to trust your expertise and credibility before they listen to your tutorial, so you have to show them your credentials. Your credentials should:

  • Highlight your qualifications, experience, or achievements related to the topic.
  • Show some examples of your work or projects that demonstrate your skills
  • Be honest and realistic; do not exaggerate or lie

Get to the point.

The viewers want to learn something useful and valuable from your tutorial, so you have to get to the point quickly and clearly. You should:

  • Start with the basics and then move on to the more advanced topics.
  • Explain each step or concept in detail and with examples
  • Avoid unnecessary or irrelevant information that may confuse or bore the viewers

Demonstrate what you teach.

The viewers need to see how you do what you teach, so you have to demonstrate what you do. You should:

  • Use visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, or screenshots.
  • Use audio aids, such as narration, music, or sound effects
  • Use clear and visible fonts, colours, or symbols
  • Use zooming, highlighting, or pointing techniques

Be concise and precise.

The viewers have a limited attention span and patience, so you have to be concise and precise in your tutorial. You should:

  • Use simple and easy-to-understand language.
  • Use short and direct sentences
  • Use bullet points or lists to organise your information
  • Use transitions or cues to connect your ideas

Edit your video well.

The quality of your video can affect the quality of your tutorial, so you have to edit your video well. You should:

  • Record your video in short segments for each sub-topic.
  • Cut out any mistakes, pauses, or repetitions
  • Add effects, filters, or animations to enhance your video
  • Adjust the volume, brightness, or contrast of your video

Write a descriptive title and description.

The title and description of your video can help YouTube recommend it to more viewers, as well as inform them about what your video is about. You should:

  • Use keywords that are relevant and popular for your topic.
  • Use catchy and informative phrases that summarise your video
  • Include the main benefits or outcomes of watching your video
Add timestamps in your description: The timestamps are a YouTube feature that allows you to mark the exact time of each sub-topic in your video. This can help the viewers navigate through your video more easily and find what they are looking for. You should:

  • Label each timestamp with a sub-topic name.
  • Align each timestamp with the start of each segment
  • Update each timestamp if you change or edit your video

Recommend other sources.

The viewers may want to learn more about your topic from other sources, so you should recommend other sources that can complement or supplement your tutorial. This can also show that you are confident and generous about sharing knowledge. You should:

  • Mention other YouTube channels or videos that cover similar or related topics.
  • Provide links to other websites or articles that provide more information or examples
  • Acknowledge any sources that you have used or referenced in your tutorial

Be consistent and patient.

YouTube is a competitive and dynamic platform that requires consistency and patience to succeed. You should:

  • Upload new videos regularly and frequently.
  • Respond to comments and feedback from viewers
  • Monitor and analyse the performance of your videos
  • Improve and innovate your videos based on data and trends
These are some of the tips that can help you make YouTube tutorials that people will watch and learn from. However, these tips are not exhaustive or definitive, as different topics may require different approaches or styles. Therefore, you should experiment and find out what works best for you and your audience.

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