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Send us the latest uneb exams for money $$$

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Staff member
To ensure this forum stays relevant, I've got a proposal to anyone who's able to send me scanned copies of this year's uneb exams.

Since we share these resources free of charge. I'm offering ugx 1,000/= for every unique paper.

  • This will strictly on 'first come - first serve basis'
  • No compesation for the papers that have already been received.
  • We'll also be considering the quality of the scann. So if another person submits the same paper with beter quality, the low quality one will be disregarded.
  • Send your submitions to [email protected]
  • payments will be made via mobile-money so please include your phone number when you send
This is an open proposal, so everyone is free to join.

This offer is valid untill the end of 2023 or after we get all papers, whichever comes first.

Will be posting updates under this thread, including sucessful members who have been awarded
UCE 2023 Physics paper 1 & paper 2 are have been published. So they are off the compensation list.


Since we didn't get any immediate responses from any member.. I'm Ending this offer today on 10th November 2023.

I know i had promised until the end of the year but the thing is, some students are already done with their exams and we haven't received any from you guys.

I shall not be rewarding anyone with money from now forth. I was hoping to offer members spontaneous updates as students finished seating for each paper but we haven't been able to achieve this.

We'll try this again next year! Please check for updates
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